Friday, June 8, 2012

Weekly Cycle of Byzantine Worship - Saturday

Saturdays are dedicated to the All Saints and to the Faithful Departed

Apostles, martyrs and prophets, * bishops, venerables and righteous saints, * you have finished the course and have kept the faith. * Since you can approach the Savior with confidence, * we ask you to beseech His goodness on our behalf, * for the salvation of our souls.

[Troparion of the Saints, The Divine Liturgies of Our Holy Fathers John Chrysostom and Basil The Great (People's Book), The Byzantine Catholic Metropolitan Church Sui Juris of Pittsburgh, USA, 2006, pg. 411]

O Lord, in your goodness, remember your servants * and forgive whatever sins they committed in their life; * for no one is sinless but you alone. * You have the power to grant rest to the departed.

[Troparion for the Departed, The Divine Liturgies of Our Holy Fathers John Chrysostom and Basil The Great (People's Book), The Byzantine Catholic Metropolitan Church Sui Juris of Pittsburgh, USA, 2006, pg. 412]

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