Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Filipovka: The Christmas (Phillipian) Fast

With Vespers marking the start of the new liturgical day this evening, in Byzantine tradition, the spiritual 40 day preparation for the Great Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ begins with Christmas Fast, also known as Phillip's or the Phillipian Fast (commencing on the evening of the feast day of the Holy Apostle Phillip).

The Metropolitan Cantor Institute of the Archeparchy of Pittsburgh has dedicated an entire page on their website to the Christmas Fast, with good detail on the customs and traditional fasting practices and other practices relating to the preparation for the Great Feast of the Nativity. The liturgical season of preparation is well explained on this page, including reference to the Emmanuel Moleben which has been celebrated at our parish faithfully for several years running.

Pre-festive Troparion of the Nativity (Tone 4)

Bethlehem, make ready, Eden has been opened for all.
Ephrathah, prepare yourself, for the Tree of Life has blossomed from the Virgin in the cave.
Her womb has become a spiritual paradise in which divinity was planted.
If we partake of it, we shall live and not die like Adam.
Christ is born to raise up the likeness that had fallen.

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